Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Maze Runner Playlist

Imagine Dragons- "Radioactive"

This song opens with the lines "I'm waking up to ash and dust." That is exactly what the main character in The Maze Runner, Thomas, is doing. "He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air (pg. 1.)" The song uses essentially the same exact diction as the book does, and the meaning behind those words is very deep. He's basically waking up to ruins, a life shattered life that he has never known before. 

David Bowie- "Rebel Rebel"

Thomas has his mind on being a "runner" throughout the whole entire novel, a person who literally runs through the maze to navigate and discover it's mysteries. No one gives him the chance to become one because he is a "greenie," or a newcomer. David Bowie sings: "Rebel rebel, your face is a mess," and Thomas face is a mess because the act of obtaining showers or baths in the their settlement would be quite the difficult process. But, the most important aspect and message of this song in relation to the book is it's repetitive hook where Bowie sings "Rebel, Rebel." He goes through the maze even though he wasn't allowed to do so. "The walls slammed shut behind him, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy-covered stone like mad laughter (pg. 112.)" 

Journey- "Don't Stop Believin'"

None of the kids in the settlement remember their background. They don't even remember what they used to be before the Maze. Thomas tells one of the younger kids, Chuck, "I swear I'll get you back home (pg. 195.)" Thomas proclaims this to Chuck when he was in a very distraught state of mind and needed some reassurance. In other words, he's telling Chuck not to give up, but mostly, Thomas is telling himself not to give up. Chuck is one of his main drives for never not believing.

Barenaked Ladies- "Pinch Me"

Much of this world feels like a dream to Thomas. "Pinch Me" perfectly elaborates Thomas's feelings. With lyrics such as "...trying to figure out what all this is for..." is what is going through Tom's head. "...that was the only thing he remembered about his life (pg. 1.)" If this didn't seem like a big elaborate dream, he'd remember things. He is always constantly trying to "wake up," figuratively speaking of course, meaning he's always trying to remember who he is.

Cage the Elephant- "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

In this song, it's all about someone being a bad a person and that there is no rest for evil until "you're gone." Thomas, being as he doesn't know who he is, doesn't know if he is a bad guy or a good guy. He is very unsure of his path. One quote that loosely proves this is "If you ain't scared...you ain't human (pg. 9.)" This quote reflects on moral choices, including timidity and his position on the moral compass. This can tie in to his bravery as well.

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