Saturday, January 17, 2015

Playlist Assignment

The Enclave: Playlist


          I figured Fade might have you covered on the musical suggestions and all since he’s actually from topside but I think this one’s an easy choice. First off I’ll introduce you to my friend Ellie Goulding and her great song "Hanging On".

          “You know we can get away, because I’m calling your name, every day I feel this pain, but you just turn and walk away”

          This is a great track because I understand how you feel about Fade. You care for him more than the rest of the enclave and you also understand him more than anyone else. “But he turned away, letting me know the conversation was over.” As I recall you saying this it was before he realized how much you cared. This track will help you figure out how to express those feelings in a different way.

Another great song suggestion would be "I Need You" by M83. With this song you can show fade just how much you need each other to survive. Listen its great!!!

“I fear it, you’re after the feeling, and I’m all alone, hold to call the feeling senile, they unwrap the more, going out the dusty roads, we are caught and see it”

                                        “I need you”

Wow!! Crazy right?? But I honestly believe this can help you get to fade in the end showing him that all he needs is right in front of him. I believe you said “Such closeness felt new… and intimate. It had been different with Thimble and Stone, none of the awareness that prickled through me with restless sweetness. Because he seemed to need me, even if it went unspoken.”  

The next great song I have for you is "Horn of plenty" from the movie “Hunger Games” resembles how you first felt when you laid eyes on topside. Even though it has no lyrics the music itself expresses exactly how you feel of the vast new world you have discovered. I remember you saying “It stole my breath. I spun around in a slow circle, trembling at the size of it. I tilted my head back and saw overhead a vast field of black, spattered with brightness. I wanted to crouch down and cover my head. It’s too much space, and horror overwhelmed me.”

 I have one last song for you and I believe you’ll really like this one as well it’s called "War" also from the “Hunger Games” and yes this one also has no lyrics. This one expresses how graceful you fighting style as a huntress is. It has a slow start and picks up its pace little by little making you seem untouchable by its sound quality. If I recall correctly you said “I blocked their movements with graceful speed; I never felt beautiful unless I was fighting, and even then it was something that went beyond skin and bone into the kinetic joy of successive movements. Kick, thrust, slash. I never doubted Fade at my back. I never faltered.”

These songs in this playlist grant the newly found culture of this world today and the world of the past. They also express how complex a character deuce is!! So I strongly suggest you read this great novel written by Ann Aguirre.  


   ~ Bryson Wess   

1 comment:

  1. Wait, if Bryson is 'Wess", and the sun sets in the West, how did he submit his blog post before everyone else?
