Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sample Playlist Blogpost


I figured Augie’s got you covered for any musical suggestion actually written in the sixties—or any of the two decades before or after, for that matter. With all of his focus on the great divas of the Great White Way, I thought that this recent off-Broadway gem might have slipped by him.  I’m not sure that Dogfight is your cup of tea acting-wise—Pasek and Paul’s earlier stuff might be more up your alley—but story-wise I think this is your show. This little production debuted in 2013 but takes place the day before Kennedy’s assassination. It’s a tip of the hat to the fifties and early sixties, especially the song, “Some Kinda Time.” The main marines of the show sing about what they’ll miss while in Vietnam:

Goodbye to chili fries, to apple pies and Dinah Shore
So long to waffle cones, new Twilight Zones and Lesley Gore
Farewell to Chevrolets, to Willie Mays, the corner store…

This grants the perfect glimpse into the culture of the era. And I know how you pull your idols from the period; Jacqueline and Julie Andrews. While the show certainly wouldn’t pass the Bechdel test, it’s an interesting examination of women’s roles in the 60’s—something I know you and Wei would take interest in. She told me that got, “I’m Ashamed That Women Are So Simple” scratched from your production of Kiss Me Kate by telling her that you have a NOW* card (Kluger 273). Brava!

Take a look!


*National Organization of Women

Kluger, Steve. My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins & Fenway Park. New York: Dial Books, 2008. Print.

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