Sunday, January 25, 2015

            Dear Four,
                         I know that through these past 2 years for you have been different and you've had some huge changes to your life. You've gone from abnegation to Dauntless, and finding out about your mother and meeting Tris where all big things in your life. You seem to like all these changes though, which are definitely great. I've made this playlist for you and I think it represents a lot about who you are and fits your characteristics, I hope you think so too.

I believe this song fits Four because he never really loved his home, he saw home more as a scary place, his father was abusive and he didn't have his mother anymore. So when he choose dauntless when he was 16 , he was finding himself a new home, a new place where he could have a new family. And he was finding something new, finding his home. so I think this song describes his situation.   "Home" by Phillip Phillips                                                                                                                                       
I feel this song would be one that Four's playlist because he had never had a real relationship before Tris. Four had never been interested in a relationship before her, he was so focused on dauntless training and what was going on outside of dauntless.  Tris was Four's first and only girlfriend , and I think this song clearly shows and describes his present and past feelings. "Am I Wrong" By Nico and Vinz                                                                                                                                                     
  "Wall to Wall" by Chris Brown  think this song fits Four because of his past life, when he was little, he was treated awful by his father, his father was abusive, and made him feel very trapped with where he was, which is why he wanted to leave so badly, and go to dauntless. So I think this song describes his feeling toward that part in his life.                                                                                                                                    
I think this song "Demons " by Imagine Dragon would be the Fourth on Four's playlist because of his past being so sad and coming into Dauntless and falling in love with Tris because During one part of the book when he takes Tris through his fear landscape, he shows her all his fears to Tris and she can see his past and the hard life that he came from. I think this song describes what he might feel internally and what has gone on in his life.                                                                                 
I Feel this song "Everything has Changed" By Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran, represent Four because of what he feels for Tris, At first when he saw her, she reminded him a lot of himself, because of her switching and being so brave just like how he was when he first came. I think this song is something he could listen to remind himself of her.                                                                                           

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Maze Runner Playlist

Imagine Dragons- "Radioactive"

This song opens with the lines "I'm waking up to ash and dust." That is exactly what the main character in The Maze Runner, Thomas, is doing. "He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air (pg. 1.)" The song uses essentially the same exact diction as the book does, and the meaning behind those words is very deep. He's basically waking up to ruins, a life shattered life that he has never known before. 

David Bowie- "Rebel Rebel"

Thomas has his mind on being a "runner" throughout the whole entire novel, a person who literally runs through the maze to navigate and discover it's mysteries. No one gives him the chance to become one because he is a "greenie," or a newcomer. David Bowie sings: "Rebel rebel, your face is a mess," and Thomas face is a mess because the act of obtaining showers or baths in the their settlement would be quite the difficult process. But, the most important aspect and message of this song in relation to the book is it's repetitive hook where Bowie sings "Rebel, Rebel." He goes through the maze even though he wasn't allowed to do so. "The walls slammed shut behind him, the echo of its boom bouncing off the ivy-covered stone like mad laughter (pg. 112.)" 

Journey- "Don't Stop Believin'"

None of the kids in the settlement remember their background. They don't even remember what they used to be before the Maze. Thomas tells one of the younger kids, Chuck, "I swear I'll get you back home (pg. 195.)" Thomas proclaims this to Chuck when he was in a very distraught state of mind and needed some reassurance. In other words, he's telling Chuck not to give up, but mostly, Thomas is telling himself not to give up. Chuck is one of his main drives for never not believing.

Barenaked Ladies- "Pinch Me"

Much of this world feels like a dream to Thomas. "Pinch Me" perfectly elaborates Thomas's feelings. With lyrics such as "...trying to figure out what all this is for..." is what is going through Tom's head. "...that was the only thing he remembered about his life (pg. 1.)" If this didn't seem like a big elaborate dream, he'd remember things. He is always constantly trying to "wake up," figuratively speaking of course, meaning he's always trying to remember who he is.

Cage the Elephant- "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

In this song, it's all about someone being a bad a person and that there is no rest for evil until "you're gone." Thomas, being as he doesn't know who he is, doesn't know if he is a bad guy or a good guy. He is very unsure of his path. One quote that loosely proves this is "If you ain't ain't human (pg. 9.)" This quote reflects on moral choices, including timidity and his position on the moral compass. This can tie in to his bravery as well.

Son of the Mob

Adrian Partridge
Pre-Ap English 1
5th Hour
Mrs. Whitman

Son of the Mob Song Analysis
          The book Son of the Mob is a story between a relationship of a son of a Mobster and a daughter of an FBI agent. Vince Lucas' father, Anthony Luca, is the king of the Mob in New York. Clearly, Vince didn’t like the idea of being a mobster because all he wants to have is a normal life. Alex, Vince’s friend, is eager to help him find love because his life lives through Vince’s love life. On the first chapter, Vince is on a date with Angela O’Bannon that will eventually turn into a disastrous moment of his love life; at first things were going smoothly between them but then Angela and Vince finds an unconscious body inside Vince’s car. Angela was so afraid of Vince’s secret life and so then they broke up. But as the story goes on, Vince suddenly meets a girl named Kendra; although Vince knows that Kendra’s father is the FBI agent who tries to bring his father to jail and Kendra doesn't have a clue about this. Their relationship with each other grew as they go out on dates and make out. However Kendra then finds out about Vince’s secret life…

Song: “Demons” by Imagine Dragons
          In Son of the Mob Vince expresses, “As usual, an experience that is pure bliss for most people ends up being just plain complicated for me. I’m juggling Alex with one hand while trying to navigate so that I never end up in the same room with Agent Bite-Me. Then there are the Lucas, who can’t find out about this relationship either. It’s nerve-racking!” (90). In this quote, Vince is trying to keep his relationship with Kendra a secret because he doesn't want Kendra’s father to find about it and he also doesn't want his own family to be entangled into their relationship. Here is a song called “Demons” by Imagine Dragons:
“I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There’s nowhere we can hide…”
          Each of these lines has meanings in its own; the first line describes Vince that he wants to hide the truth from Kendra about his real life. The second to third line means that Vince wants to love Kendra but with Vince’s horrific life of being involved in his dad’s mob organization, his relationship with Kendra will never get anywhere even if he hides the truth.

Song: “Disclosure Latch” by Sam Smith
          When Vince and Kendra go out for a date, Vince conveys “I see her legs first, longer than I remember, moving down the sidewalk. She comes into view from south to north: miniskirt, top, etcetera. By the time her face appears, I’m craning my neck like a construction worker. Kendra is one of those low-maintenance girls who always manage to look good with almost no effort. For her, doing her hair means toweling it dry. I've never seen her like this before, dressed up, [and] made up, hair up. She’s so –up!" (192). A good song that matches this situation is a song called "Disclosure Latch" by Sam smith:
“I’m so encaptured, got me wrapped up in your touch (never)
Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch (never)
How do you do it, you got me losing every breath (never)
What did you give me to make my heart bleed out my chest (never)?”
As Vince sees Kendra’s stunning beauty, he feels so proud and great; to him he feels close enough to Kendra.

Song: “The one That I Want” by Lo-Fang
          “’I don’t care who your father is!’” she breathes into my mouth.
          “‘I don’t’ care who your father is!’” I breathe back.
           Unbelievable. Turns out Kendra thinks we’re some kind of cops-and-robber Romeo and Juliet- star-crossed lover from families that are mortal enemies. And I’m not much for locker-room talk, but I’ve got to say that it ratchets up the intensity level of our relationship about five-hundred percent” (166). In this situation, Kendra founds out about Vince’s dad’s true identity; Vince was thunderstruck when he heard about this from Kendra. Only he finds out that Kendra doesn't care of who his father is, this is the same to Vince. A song that would likely fit in this situation is “The one That I Want” by Lo-Fang:
“I got chills they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
‘Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying…”

Song: “Money on my mind” by Sam Smith
          “’You’re a loan shark,’” she accuses me.
          “’There’s evidence! The FBI-my father-they've got pictures of you taking money from people! That sleazy guy from the parking lot, for one!’” (200). In this situation, Kendra finds out that Vince has been working with his dad’s followers. However, Vince is just trying to help them out because their on the edge of their lives and that he cares more about Kendra and not with his dad’s organization. A song that would fit with this is “Money on my mind” by Sam Smith:
“Please don't get me wrong
I wanna keep it moving
I know what that requires
I'm not foolish
Please, can you make this work for me?
‘Cause I'm not a puppet, I will work against your strings…”

Song: “I bet my life” by Imagine Dragons
          “It’s after school and we’re in my Mazda, Alex at the wheel. I’m too distraught to drive. I've got the passenger seat in full recline, so I’m flat on my back, staring up at the sky trough my leaky sunroof. The clouds are dark and lowering, just like my mood. A K-Bytes cassette plays on the tape deck, and every note from that throaty voice is like a piece of shrapnel in my abdomen” (203). Vince is depressed in this scene because Kendra found out about the truth! But listen to the whole song because it connects to the ending of the book! This song is called “I bet my life” by Imagine Dragons:
“I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I know I let you down, didn't I?
So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me
Well I'm just a slave unto the night…”
          This song describes Vince because he wants to bet his life on Kendra rather than being in his dad’s mob organization.

Life of pi

Dear Pi, I understand that you've been lost at sea for a while now. you are homesick and scared and you fear for your life. i decided to make a playlist of songs to encourage you to keep going, to survive because you likely need something to help you keep here is a list of songs to inspire and motivate you towards fighting for your life.

Get scared- Don’t you dare forget the sun
This song suits you because it’s talking about not losing faith. You especially needs to keep your faith stranded out in the life raft like that. If you lose hope or faith you may die because you won’t have the will to live and you'd feel like there would be no reason to try and survive any longer because you would’ve felt like you would’ve never been rescued. '' just look at what you've done. Don't you dare forget the sun" is telling you to think about all you have accomplished in your life so far and to not lose hope, the sun represents be hope

A perfect circle: Judith
This song is about questioning religion not out of ignorance but out of no proof of existence and losing faith that god exists and finding value in life through other means instead of devotion to god. Pi is almost opposite of this he gives his life and faith to god.

 Survivor- "eye of the tiger"

               This song is about recovery, determination, and being determined to win and overcome a situation. it also talks about tigers which you can relate to in your situation. "They stack the odds, still we take to the street. For the kill with the skill to survive" this line in the song is pretty much directly speaking to you, the odds are stacked against you and somehow you have found a will to live and fight through this.