The Maze Runner is the story of a teenage boy named Thomas who has been placed in what he later finds out to be an experiment designed by the government. He is brought into a world known as The Glade full of other young boys in the same situation. The Glade is described by author, James Dashner, as being a sort of grassy, almost farm-like area with many trees and other plants as well as animals. It is also surrounded on all sides by large, stone walls that open up to an enormous maze that has never been escaped by any of the Gladers. Thomas was brought into The Glade not remembering anything from his past. As the novel goes on however, he starts to recall certain events from his past that eventually help him and the other Gladers escape The Maze.
Dashner's diction as well as syntax
really help in making this novel such a success and interesting to read. He
creates a sort of, code for the boys living in The Glade which makes it a lot
more interesting to find out what each term means. "Thomas once again felt
a pressing ache of confusion- hearing so many words and phrases that didn't
make sense. Shank. Shuck. Keeper. Slopper
"(6). Since the reader only knows as much as Thomas does, they get to
learn what the terms mean along with him. At some points in the novel, it can
be frustrating not knowing exactly what is going on, but that's exactly the
goal of Dashner's suspenseful style. In the novel as well, the syntax is short
and choppy while Thomas and some of the other Gladers are out exploring The
Maze. "Five feet. Four feet. Three. Two. Thomas knew he had no choice. He moved. Forward "(112). Thomas'
urgency in The Maze causes the reader to feel on-edge and worried for his
safety. The imagery used in the novel is also pretty intriguing. "Yet the
trees were tall with sturdy trunks, packed tightly together, the canopy up
above thick with leaves"(67). This really helps the reader visualize the
setting of The Glade and feel more a part of the story.
Overall, I really enjoyed this novel
and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys suspenseful and action-filled
stories. Though very little, there is even a slight romance towards the end of
the novel. I was never very bored while reading because there was always
something interesting going on. Thomas is such a great character and
interesting to read about. The whole story is very original and can really make
the reader think about what the future may hold.
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