The Giver by Lois Lowry follows the story of a young boy named Jonas who is on a quest to find the true meaning of life. This takes place in a perfected futuristic society were everyone is given a job that they must abide to without question. During the choosing ceremony were people are given their jobs Jonas is skipped and later finds out that he is being chosen to be the receiver of memories. This job meant that he had to go through extensive training with the giver who would give him memories that he would carry on to the next receiver in the future. He later finds out that the world isn't perfect and the Giver knowing this devises a plan with Jonas for him to leave so the memories can be spread throughout the community.
The authors style in this book I thought was one of intrigue or captivation. I thought of these styles because while reading the book the author creates time of intellectually stimulating moments were you are asking yourself what just happened leaving to read one and find out what happens next. She utilizes these techniques through a variety of ways including dialogue, plot, and characterization.
Lois lowry also draws the reader in by the use of intriguing diction and syntax. This creates a compelling and alluring side of the book that shows how a word or phrase can be interpreted into a various amount of different meanings. Even the smallest context like when Lois Lowry uses the word "dwelling" rather than "home"it creates a sense of riveting vocabulary that pulls you in even more as a reader.
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